Thursday, 12 November 2015

Is Dialect Changing?

Detrimental Dialects

The U.K seems to be such a small country compared to others across the world, but we have such diverse and contrasting dialects across our island. This is usually very helpful because, generally, different dialects denote different places around the country so we can tell where people originate from and pick up parts of their culture which vary to our own. However, are dialects changing? Would this be positive or negative occurrence or are we losing a fundamental part of our identity?

Nowadays, there is a lot more available mobility around the country and, consequently, people travel more. Therefore, more and more people can be influenced by different dialects. Potentially, your idiolect could change if you spend time in a place with a vastly divergent dialect to your own. This could even be a key conscious choice on your behalf due to the fact it may be easier to fit into to a social or work environment if you speak more similarly to others around you.

 Furthermore, in this day and age, another country's dialect is far more accessible thanks to television, the internet and social media. It appears to be part of many people's daily routines to watch television in their free time and many films and TV series are American. Ergo, a large part of our daily habits is taken up by listening to American dialect and, as a consequence, possibly picking up American dialect which we may not have heard- or used- beforehand.

For example, the slang word "jerk" is a typical American insult. However, this adjective is now known worldwide and often used by adolescents who may not even live or have lived anywhere in America. Positively, this educates people from a young age about the cultural differences between countries and assists them in feeling more at ease travelling to other countries when they are older as they would have a comfortable comprehension of quintessential colloquial language. On the other hand, is it possible to lose the dialect you originally had?

Many people believe that dialect leveling is occurring (which is where stereotypical or key elements of a dialect are being lost due to dialects mixing or the area in which it originates is modernising). Contrary to this belief, Professor Paul Meier, the founder and director of the International Dialects of English Archive, says "The great myth that TV and radio somehow weakens local accents and dialects is patently not true" and he also rejects the idea that dialect leveling is transpiring. 

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Gender in Language 06/11/15

Language in Gender

Sociolinguistics- the social variables that influence language (gender, age, ethnicity, religion, occupation)

Sex- what makes a person male or female in relation to their biology
Gender- what makes a person male or female in relation to social or cultural expectations


List of things you think men discuss in men only social groups-

-Sport                                        -School/College/Work
-Videogames                             -Gym
-Attractiveness of girls              -Social Media

List of things you think women discuss in women only social groups-

-Periods                                      -Weight
-Children/future family              -Shopping
-Family problems                       -Social Media
-Boyfriends                                 -Diets
-Other girls                                  -School/College/Work

List of things you think men and women discuss in mixed gender social group-

-Opposite sex                              -Holidays
-Parties/Events                            -Social Media
-School/College/Work                -Music

What do men want from a conversation with other men?-

-Wingman                                    -Validation
-Platonic bond                              -Self justification

What do men want from a conversation with women?-

-Woman's attention                      -Emotional support
-Girl problems                              -Empathy 
-Girl's opinion

What do women want from a conversation with other women?-

-Advice                                          -Assurance
-Socialise                                       -Understanding
-Company                                      -Study help

What do women want from a conversation with men?-

-Man's attention
-Boy problems
-Male's opinion

Gender Specific Insults:

Men to Men-               Women to Women-                            Men to Women-       Women to Men-
-P*ssy                           -B*tch                                                   -Frigid                        -F*ckboy
-Pr*ck                            -Slut                                                     -Sweat                        -Pr*ck
-D*ckhead                     -Wh*re                                                 -Babe (sarcastic)        -D*ck
-Kn*b                            -Slag                                                    -Ugly                          -D*ckhead
-Kn*bhead                     -Hoe                                                    -Fat                             -A**hole
-C*ck                            -Fat                                                       -Slut
-A**hole                       -Ugly                                                    -Wh*re
-F*ggot                         -Flat chested                                         -C*nt (not often)
-Gay                              -Anything to do with appearance
-Gaylord                        -Two-faced

The men to men list was easiest to make because they are heard in most frequency, often loudly, and are generally more extreme.
Women's insults are mainly sexual, specifically the idea that it is negative for them to sleep with a lot of people. Furthermore, the insults are also based around physical appearance.
Men's insults are mainly about asserting their masculinity or dominance; also, they are about their sexuality.

Men use language in a competitive way-       Women use language to reinforce personal relationships-

-Men use more direct statements                    -More detail
-Have higher volume                                      -More open
-More interruptions                                         -Share emotion
-More insults                                                   -Higher pitch (show enthusiasm)
                                                                         -Use sociolect