Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Initial Assessment Analysis 18/09/15

Initial Assessment Analysis
Utterance- speaking language version of a sentence
Participants- who's taking part in the transcript
Turns- for how long you speak for (every time someone else speaks it's a new turn)
Dialogue- two or more people speaking
Latching- no pauses at end of a turn
Idiolect- your unique way of speaking
Dialect- the way you speak due where you come from
Jargon- specifically associated with a subject- when you know what you're talking about
Lexis- word
GRAPE should be at least referenced in every paragraph as well as context

Point- x uses y to z                                                                                                               x= who
Evidence- quote with plenty to talk about or multiple quotes                                             y= technique
Eplanation- which specific techniques in the quote work in                                              z= effect
which ways (be tentative)  

Write concisely and avoid tautology (saying the same thing in two different ways)

Avoid contractions

Avoid 'this shows'

Avoid 'a lot'

Use more than one piece of evidence per point to show patterns of use (boosts grade)

More in depth paragraphs are better than lots of short paragraphs

Producer/speaker can imply something
You can infer something

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